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nigger []

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Wiktionary (6)

n (offensive|ethnic slur|now|_|vulgar|see nigger#Usage notes | usage notes) A dark-skinned person, especially a person of, or primarily of, Negro descent; a black person.
n (offensive|ethnic slur|vulgar slang) A person of Negro descent who acts in an unapproved manner, usually as an archetypical badass.
n (African American Vernacular English) (non-gloss definition|Informal term of address.)
v (transitive|dated) To clear land by laying light pieces of round timber across the trunks of the trees and setting fire to them at the point of contact, by which means the trees are slowly burned through.
v (intransitive|offensive) To behave as a stereotypical black person.
v (uncommon|transitive|offensive) To treat as inferior.