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Wikisanakirja (12)

n A short symbol, often with little relation to the item it represents.
n A body of law, sanctioned by legislation, in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form; a compilation of laws by public authority; a digest.
n Any system of principles, rules or regulations relating to one subject; as, the medical code, a system of rules for the regulation of the professional conduct of physicians; the naval code, a system of rules for making communications at sea means of signals.
n A set of rules for converting information into another form or representation.
n (uncountable) A computer program, or more generally, any defined computing process.
v (computing) To write software programs.
v To categorise by assigning identifiers from a schedule, for example CPT coding for medical insurance purposes.
v (genetics|intransitive) To encode a protein.