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n (obsolete|_|except|_|dialectal) An assize. (defdate|from 14th c.)
n (obsolete) A regulation determining the amount of money paid in fees, taxes etc. (defdate|14th-18th c.)
n (obsolete) A fixed standard for the magnitude, quality, quantity etc. of goods, especially food and drink. (defdate|15th-17th c.)
n A specific set of dimensions for a manufactured article, especially clothing. (defdate|from 16th c.)
n (graph theory) A number of edges in a graph. (defdate|from 20th c.)
v (transitive) To adjust the size of; to make a certain size.
v (transitive) To classify or arrange by size.
v (transitive|colloquial) To approximate the dimensions, estimate the size of.
v (intransitive) To take greater size; to increase in size.
v (UK|Cambridge University|obsolete) To order food or drink from the buttery; hence, to enter a score, as upon the buttery book.
n A thin, weak glue used as primer for paper or canvas intended to be painted upon.
v (transitive) To apply glue or other primer to a surface which is to be painted.