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n (countable) A juvenile delinquent, young petty criminal or trouble-maker.
n (uncountable) Any material used as tinder for lighting fires, such as agaric, dried wood, or touchwood.[], especially wood altered by certain fungi.
n (countable) A utensil for lighting wicks or fuses (such as those of fireworks) resembling stick incense.
n (countable) (context|19th century|rare) The bottom in a male-male sexual relationship; a catamite.
n (US|prison|_|slang) A male used for sex by larger or stronger inmates, a pussyboy
n (uncountable) A social and musical movement rooted in rebelling against the established order.
n (uncountable) The music of the punk movement, known for short songs with electric guitars, strong drums, and a direct, unproduced approach.
n (countable|sometimes as informal plural punx) A person subscribing to the movement, a punk rocker.
v To forcibly perform anal sex upon an unwilling partner.
v To give up or concede; to act like a wimp.