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Wikisanakirja (16)

n boundary, land in a boundary
n characteristic, sign, visible impression
n indicator of position, objective etc.
n attention
v To indicate in some way for later reference.
v To take note of.
v To blemish, scratch, or stain.
v To indicate the correctness of and give a score to an essay, exam answers, etc.
v (context|Australian Rules football) To catch the ball directly from a kick of 15 metres or more without having been touched in transit, resulting in a free kick.
v (sports) To follow a player not in possession of the ball when defending, to prevent them receiving a pass easily.
v (golf) To put a marker in the place of one's ball.
n A measure of weight (especially for gold and silver), once used throughout Europe, equivalent to 8 oz.
n (context|now|_|historical) An English and Scottish unit of currency (originally valued at one 'mark' weight of silver), equivalent to 13 shillings and fourpence.
n Any of various European monetary units, especially the base unit of currency of Germany between 1948 and 2002, equal to 100 pfennigs.
n A 'mark' coin.
v (imperative|marching) (alternative form of|march|lang=en|dot=) (said to be easier to pronounce while giving a command).