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n (chemistry) A general term for inorganic materials containing calcium, usually calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide; quicklime.
n (poetic) Any gluey or adhesive substance; something which traps or captures someone; sometimes a synonym for birdlime.
v (transitive) To smear with birdlime.
n A deciduous tree of the genus Tilia, especially (taxlink|Tilia × europaea|nothospecies); the linden tree, or its wood.
n A green citrus fruit, somewhat smaller and sharper-tasting than a lemon.
n Any of the trees that bear limes, especially (taxlink|Citrus aurantiifolia|species).
n A light, somewhat yellowish, green color | colour associated with the fruits of a lime tree.
a Containing lime or lime juice.
a Having the aroma or flavor of lime.
v (context|West Indies) To hang out, pass time on the streets.