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unkari (14)

englanti (5)

v cut [kˈʌt]

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Wikisanakirja (10)

v to cut (gloss|to perform an incision on; to divide with a sharp instrument; to separate from prior association; to remove and place in memory for later use; to reduce, especially intentionally; to form or shape by cutting; to intersect or cross in such a way as to divide in half or nearly so)
v to incise (gloss|to cut in or into with a sharp instrument)
v to mow (gloss|to cut something down, especially grass or crops)
v to trim (gloss|to reduce slightly, especially, to remove excess)
v to fix (gloss|to render an animal infertile)
v to knife (gloss|to use a knife to cut)
v to knife (gloss|to cut through as if with a knife)
v (colloquial) adessive + 3rd-pers. sg: to get it