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Wiktionary (24)

n The foremost side of something or the end that faces the direction it normally moves.
n A person or institution acting as the public face of some other, covert group.
n (context|military) The lateral space occupied by an element measured from the extremity of one flank to the extremity of the other flank.
n (context|military) The direction of the enemy.
n (context|military) When a combat situation does not exist or is not assumed, the direction toward which the command is faced.
n (obsolete) A major military subdivision of the Soviet Army.
a Located at or near the front.
a (comparable) (phonetics) Of a vowel pronounced near the tip of the tongue.
v (intransitive|dated) To face ((term|on), (term|to)); to be pointed in a given direction.
v (transitive) To face, be opposite to.
v (transitive) To face up to, to meet head-on, to confront.
v (transitive) To adorn the front of; to have on the front.
v (phonetics|transitive|intransitive) To pronounce with the tongue in a front position.
v (linguistics|transitive) To move (a word or clause) to the start of a sentence.
v (intransitive|slang) To act as a front (for); to cover (for).
v (transitive) To lead or be the spokesperson of (a campaign, organisation etc.).
v (transitive|colloquial) To provide money or financial assistance in advance to.
v (intransitive) To assume false or disingenuous appearances.
v to appear before, as in to front court.