FinnHun Finnish-Hungarian-English on-line dictionary and thesaurus


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Hungarian (32)

Finnish (8)


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n A tapering cylindrical pin or peg used to stop the vent in a cask; a spigot.
n A connection made to an electrical or fluid conductor without breaking it.
n An interception of communication with authority.
v To furnish with taps.
n Device used to listen in secretly on telephone calls. (defdate|from 20th c.)
v To strike lightly. (defdate|from early 13th c.)
v To designate for some duty or for membership, as in 'a tap on the shoulder'. (defdate|from mid-20th c.)
v (context|combat sports) To submit to an opponent by tapping one's hand repeatedly.
v (context|combat sports|transitive) To force (an opponent) to submit.
n A repeated touching of one's hands, foot or other body part.